Saturday, March 5, 2011

Opening the Door to Closing Sales

You are in sales whether or not your job classification is "salesperson" - everyday each of us must sell ourselves and our work to our boss, customers, patients, clients. Most of us are not natural "salespeople" - we need to learn the techniques to make us better.

If you need to make sales happen, then join us on Thurs. 3/31/11 for the seminar "Opening the Door to Closing Sales". You will learn:
  • closing the sale starts at the beginning
  • identify your client's pain and how YOU can fix it
  • handling objections
  • understanding your client's personality
  • 7 techniques to close in on "the Close"
to register click on the link.

For more information on Anne, visit For more information on Authentic Woman Magazine TM, go to:

From Chaos to Empowerment

Does life feel like a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that has been thrown into the air and all those pieces are still hanging in space? Does solving the puzzle seem insurmountable?

Anyone who has completed a such a puzzle knows that, while challenging, it is not insurmountable. All those unconnected pieces feel chaotic. What are the strategies for moving from chaos to empowerment?

To read the full article, follow this link:

For more information on Anne, visit
For more information on Authentic Woman Magazine TM, go to: